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Professional Education 

Offering engaging NCBTMB and YACEP Approved Continuing Education Classes for Massage Therapists and Yoga Teachers


Learn Traditional Ayurvedic Treatments

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• MARMA CHIKITSA (Energetic Points)

• ABHYANGA (Ayurvedic Warm Oil Massage)

• PINDA SWEDA / POTALI (Herbal Fomentation)

• KATI BASTI (Warm Oil Treatment)

• GARSHANA (Silk Glove Massage)

• SHIROABHYANGA (Traditional Head Massage)

• SHIRODHARA (Warm Oil Over Head) 



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Offering Engaging On-Site Education

Offering on-site education in traditional Ayurvedic Bodywork, Panchkarma, Aromatherapy and traditional naturopathy and hydrotherapy. Approved through NCBTMB for Continuing Education.


Here are a few of the classes available.

These can be customized for your specific needs.  



Traditional Ayurvedic Bodywork/Abhyanga : NCTBMB - 16 Hours


In this class, you will: • Complete your own personal constitutional (dosha) analysis while learning the value of this form of evaluation for use in your practice • Recognize the relationship between the elements and doshas & decipher the theories behind Indian body-mind medicine • Learn the protocol and techniques used in a traditional Ayurvedic Massage (Abhyanga) sequence  • Understand the importance of  client-specific Ayurvedic oils and essential oils used in Ayurvedic Treatments  • Discover new, easy ways to self-nurture and heal through Ayurveda



Traditional Ayurvedic Head and Face Massage - Shiroabhyanga

8 Hour NCBTMB Approved Course


This class includes training and protocol for giving a full one-hour traditional head, neck and face massage using ancient Ayurvedic techniques, herbs and oils. Class will focus in-depth with 9 specific Marma (energetic) points and specific massage techniques that help headaches, insomnia, sinus issues, chronic pain and anxiety. Students will leave with tools to easily integrate these techniques into their massage practice.  Offered as part II in the “Approachable Ayurveda” series, or can be taken on its own.



Ayurvedic Herbal Treatments: Poultices and Body Masks (Pinda Sweda, Udvartanam, Lapyam)

16 Hour NCBTMB Approved Course


This class features an in-depth look at several herbs used in traditional Ayurvedic bodywork treatments, and their use for client-based and self-care techniques using specific oils. Participants will create herbal poultices and learn the protocol and creation of pinda sweda (warm herbal poultice) therapy. In addition, the class introduces participants to the creation of a traditional herbal powder (udvartanam) in addition to an herbal mask. Each of these treatments can easily be incorporated into any massage therapy practice. Full protocol for a traditional back treatment is included.


Ayurvedic Marma Chikitsa 
16 Hour NCBTMB Approved Course


Marma therapy is a powerful and profound treatment in Ayurveda, focusing on the 107 specific points in the body, each of which has a specific property for healing. In this class, you will learn to identify and work with several of these points, and will be given tools to help relieve muscle tension and rejuvenate and nourish all of the systems through the use of therapeutic bodywork using traditional ayurvedic oils and essential oils. 


Traditional Ayurvedic Postnatal Massage - The magic of warm oil for healing after birth -

12 Hour (Pending NCBTMB Approval)

This class focuses on the tradition of daily warm oil massage after birth. Participants will learn specific needs of new mothers from an ayurvedic viewpoint, in addition to learning the qualities of traditional oils. Students will learn and practice the protocol for traditional ayurvedic  postnatal massage therapy treatment for balance and wellbeing. 


Elemental Archetypes
Hot/Cold Stone Massage - Thermotherapy with Hot & Cold Stones, Gemstones, and Essential Oils
16 Hrs. NCBTMB Approved 
This class uses traditional and western massage therapy techniques using elemental theory along with traditional hydrotherapy for an inclusive experience. Gemstones, essential oils and hot and cold stones are used. Students will learn a complete protocol using treatment modalities listed above.
Aromatherapy For Massage Therapists
16 Hrs. NCBTMB Approved 

Have you wanted to use essential oils in your practice but don’t know where to start? This class is specifically designed for massage therapists and offers an opportunity to you to  develop and practice the treatment protocols for a full aromatherapy massage. You’ll also learn to safely apply the knowledge of the essential oils to create custom blends for their clients. 

Coursework includes historical background, blending techniques, extraction methods, safety considerations, materia medica and contraindications, in addition to professional therapeutic applications within the scope of practice of the massage therapist.


Approachable Ayurveda - Entry Level

3 hours. 


Ayurveda for Women -

Ayurveda for Women's Health Professionals - 3 Hours


Ethics for Massage Therapists 


Self Care Techniques using stones and essential oils - 3 hrs.


Ayurveda for the Change of Season

- Seasonal ideas to help cleanse the body, mind and spirit through traditional Ayurvedic methods.

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